Sunday, July 25, 2010


Welcome to the home of Miss Totally Posh goes on vacation. Today is day one of my fabulous Amtrak vacation – we are taking it all the way up to Vancouver, Canada! YIPEE! In your brain filled heads (mixed with flesh and other stuff), “Why is this insane girl taking Amtrak?” Well, you have a good reason to wonder that – first of all, I am insane, but here’s one of the lessons you will learn if you continue reading this blog, and will probably need to use in life:

INSANE = POSH, and POSH = INSANE. Remember that. There will also be a few more equations like that, and you will have to remember them in case of any surprise Pop Quizzes.

The second thing is, you have good reason to wonder why I would spend 30 hours with my family just going to Washington. Well, it’s because of something recent that happened: that made us re-plan our whole road trip we were planning on taking this summer. My family is the kind of family, (at least I hope and have been recently thinking) who does things about things when they don’t like an event that recently happened. Thus, when we found out about the Bp oil spill, we were FURIOUS. The kind of furious that caused my mom to be pacing at 4 in the morning. But an issue I’ve already had is when people say they don’t like a recent event but they still do the same thing – or support it without Iwanting to, but “having to”. So that was in issue we had to face when we realized we were going on a vacation – a road trip, actually, all the way to Canada. Let me just show you another equation super fast: BP=UNPOSH.

That is why I am on Amtrak – one family member short, my dog, Pilar. Sadly, we had to leave my dearest sister (and only sister, if you can call her that) behind. I will say that I wanted to act like a blind girl and she would be my helper dog, but my mom pointed out that it wouldn’t work if we had a scared dog on the train. Pilar we recently adopted, and was abused as a puppy. It was very hard to leave her.

So. Here is a brief idea of where we are going. Tonight we are on the train spending the night on reclining chairs, which are actually very comfy, and recliny. Tomorrow my dad’s half brother, Dave’s wife, Misty, is picking us up in Washington and we are going to spend the night at my grandpa’s ranch, who we haven’t seen for quite a while. We are spending 2 and1/2 days or so there, then going back onto Amtrak for 8 hours and arriving at one of my fave places on earth, Vancouver Canada. During that time we may be going to Saltspring island, to see my mom’s aunt and uncle. It’s a very beautiful island. We are spending two weeks there, then going to either Seattle or to San Francisco, then to Santa Cruz, then to L.A., then back to my hometown.

So, here we are. The answers to your mind’s questions. If you want a more sane, logical explanation, go to, my mom’s blog that I helped her set up. Thank you! One more thing – here’s my theme song.

She’s the girl to go to when you need to find some grub,

She’ll show you how to sneak into your neighbor’s hot tub,

And when you need your sushi fixed she’s even more scrumptious than a California roooooll…



  1. you are one ... how can I say it??? Totally posh girl!
    xo Mamamara
    (p.s. my blog has "2010" at the end as in
    (p.p.s. thanks for setting it up for me!)

  2. OK people, it's actually
